8 Huge Reasons why most Long Distance Relationships Fail & How to Avoid It

8 Huge Reasons why most Long Distance Relationships Fail & How to Avoid It

8 Major Reasons why most Long Distance Relationships Fail & How to avoid It: Some tend to do well in long distance relationship because they don’t crave physical interaction rather mental, some go crazy without regular physical meetings and sharing intimate moments together. While others fall for the idea portrayed by others, who firmly believe…


123 Awesome The Vampire Diaries Quotes that’ll Make You Wanna Watch it Again

123 Awesome The Vampire Diaries Quotes that’ll Make You Wanna Watch it Again Supernatural dramas are quite popular amongst all age group of viewers. Since such storylines come with a lot of plot twists and turns, which keeps the eyes of the viewers glued to their television screens. As a teenager, I found such movies…

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From the Director’s Desk – Director’s Message for School Magazine

From the Director’s Desk – Director’s Message for School Magazine Need a tastefully written Director’s message to be published in your school or college magazine? Yes! then, you have landed at the right place. As we have a fine specimen of Director’s message, that you can use to take inspiration from. It will help you…

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Investiture Ceremony Speech for School and College

Investiture Ceremony Speech: The Investiture Ceremony marks the beginning of a new dawn for the student council. Wherein, the veteran leader’s hand over the mantle of leadership to their kin. Therefore, Investiture Ceremony has a special significance in schools and colleges as, during this ceremony, the responsibilities are entrusted to the newly appointed council members….