
15 Important Lessons we can Learn from Children

15 Important Lessons we can learn from children There’s a famous quote by Dr. Seuss that goes by, “Adults are just outdated children” and it is true in every respect. Though we have grown up and life’s a bit dramatic now. Sometimes it treats us well and the other time, it is not so generous….

Importance of Navratri Festival in Indian Culture and Its Relevancy according to Science

India is a land of diverse cultures and religions, that are practiced with great dedication and fervor. One such auspicious festival celebrated in India is “Navratri.” Although Navratri is observed four times a year. However, in most parts of the country, it is mainly celebrated as a biannual festival. Once observed during the onset of…

55 Christian Quotes on Love which Goes beyond the Self

Christian Quotes on Love One of the most difficult tasks is to describe love, as we all have a different understanding of it. To experience love, we must have mutual respect and acceptance for all. Being selfish and self-centered narrows down the probability of being loved, and to experience it in the true sense. Because…


28 Greatest Buddhist Quotes on Love Devoid of Attachment

Greatest Buddhist Quotes on Love Love is a universal language, which can be understood by anybody. It is one such emotion that gives butterflies in our stomachs. And fills us with happiness, whenever we are next to the one we love. Harvard Medical School Professors and couple therapists in their research found out— that when…