10 Fond Memories of Childhood that every Grown Up person Misses badly

10 Fond Memories of Childhood that every Grown Up person Misses badly

Childhood was and will always be the best phase of our life. Because we didn’t have any such responsibilities that bend our back with the heavy load of work, which makes us silently cry sometimes. We weren’t supposed to make money and neither did we had any dreams, whether small or big. But as we…

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Small Friend Circle Benefits: Why few People choose to have a Small yet Powerful Circle

Small Friend Circle Benefits: Why few People choose to have a Small yet Powerful Friend Circle: The concept of friendship is taken so loosely that many people think of it as a tag which can be given to anybody, they meet in their life’s journey. There are acquaintances we meet down the road and if…


Existential Crisis: The World is Full of Questions Unanswered

Existential Crisis: The World is Full of Questions Unanswered: A person carries a lot of weight in his chest but we only see the glowing smiles. Everybody we meet is struggling, battling with a lot of problems but we think only ours is worth mentioning. We want to share but aren’t willing to hear. People…