10 Tell Tale Signs of Energy Vampires + Tips to deal with Energy Vampires

10 Tell Tale Signs of Energy Vampires + Tips to deal with Energy Vampires

You are reading 10 Tell Tale Signs of Energy Vampires + Tips to deal with Energy Vampires Who are Energy Vampires: Energy vampires is a term used to define people who thrive on the energy of other people. Such people carry chaotic and negative energy with them which reflects in their thoughts, behavior, and actions….


10 Best Spiritual Songs to Kick start Your day with Positivity

10 Best Spiritual Songs to Kick start Your day with Positivity: Morning routines should never be boring. Even if you are a lazy bum, youshould kick start your day with a heavy dose of positivity. Reserve at least few minutes of your busy day for yourself, which you caninvest in doing things that refuels you…


Why you must take care of your mental health | Brain Exercise for better Mental Health

We often undermine our mental health, as it is something that we cannot see deteriorating in front of our eyes. And when it comes to our notice, it gets too late that the situation worsens. Which eventually affects our mood, behaviour and our day to day life. So much so, that our relationships with our…

Mental Health: 5 Easy Ways to Burn Stress in the Comfort of your Room

Mental Health: 5 Easy Ways to Burn Stress in the Comfort of your Room: We deal with stress on a daily basis and each one of us has different stressors. Like some of us have problems dealing with people at the workplace, while others may be bothered about the questions pertaining to human existence. On…

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8 Stress Relieving Outdoor Activities that’ll bring you closer to Solitude

A little time alone in nature can have a tremendous effect on your mental and physical health. Scholars and researchers working in the field of wilderness therapy and environmental psychology, have shown that time outdoors can benefit you in many ways. Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist, Carl Jung in a letter to his friend written on May…

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Beautiful Illusions of Self-Deception: The Consequences of Lying to Yourself

Life has a way of teaching lessons that we are supposed to learn at the right time, age and phase. Nobody is spared by it because to live is to learn. If you run away from the truth, no matter how hard it is. Sooner or later, it is going to hit you back. Living…


5 Reasons to Forgive someone who has Hurt you to the Core

A living being’s heart — be it a human or an animal is designed by nature in such a way, that it contains a wide variety of emotions. Among all of those emotions and feelings, the strongest is “love” and “care” for another being. This leads to a connection, a bond between two hearts, which…

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Small Friend Circle Benefits: Why few People choose to have a Small yet Powerful Circle

Small Friend Circle Benefits: Why few People choose to have a Small yet Powerful Friend Circle: The concept of friendship is taken so loosely that many people think of it as a tag which can be given to anybody, they meet in their life’s journey. There are acquaintances we meet down the road and if…

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How to achieve Solitude in a World full of Clamor

Solitude and loneliness are often used in the same context but in reality, there are like polar opposites, entirely different from each other. Solitude is when you cherish your own company without letting others disturb your solitary disposition. To simplify it one can describe it as a state of being alone without being lonely. On…

How to Celebrate your Beauty by loving Yourself

“Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s sizeBut when I start to tell them,They think I’m telling lies.I say,It’s in the reach of my arms,The span of my hips,The stride of my step,The curl of my lips.I’m a womanPhenomenally.Phenomenal woman,That’s me.” Remembering the golden lines of…