50 Best Nicholas Sparks Quotes that Explain How it Feels to Be in Love

50 Best Nicholas Sparks Quotes that Explain How it Feels to Be in Love

50 Best Nicholas Sparks Quotes for You Nicholas Sparks is one such writers whose name is bankable in the writing industry. As he has earned the goodwill in the genre of romantic fiction, and drama through years of practice, and hard work. Sparks beautifully captures the tender emotions, and innocence that one experiences in different…


50 Electrifying Nikola Tesla Quotes that’ll Inspire You to be an Inventor like Him

Nikola Tesla Quotes that’ll Inspire you to be an Inventor: Every time you open your fridge or turn on the lights say thanks to Nikola Tesla for inventing the first alternating current (AC) motor system. Due to which, we are able to live in a world, where electricity lightens our home, streets, and helps in powering…

Difference between House and Home, learn What makes a House a ‘Home’

Difference between House and Home, learn What makes a House a ‘Home’: I always wondered why do same things have different names in English language. My biggest curiosity came with home being called as a house, which is an inter-related term, and is often used to denote a residential place. I never looked upon the…

12 Important Life Lessons to Learn from Failed Relationships

12 Important Life Lessons to Learn from Failed Relationships: When you have placed all your faith in a person, moving on, and letting go can be difficult because deep inside you still have hope. But when the flame of hope extinguishes because the person on the other end, isn’t trying enough to change the direction…


What is SAD aka Seasonal Depression: Find out Causes, Symptoms and Treatment for (SAD) Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a form of depression generally known, and referred to as Seasonal Depression or Winter Depression. The syndrome was first described by Dr. Norman E. Rosenthal, a psychiatrist, and researcher, who did an extensive study on SAD. Now you might be curious why we call SAD Seasonal Depression? and the reason…

12 Surprising Benefits of Music Therapy on your Body, Mind, and Soul

Music has been an integral part of our culture, no matter where you go. You’ll always find people jamming into their traditional folk music, or tuning on to their favourite genres be it Indie, classic, jazz, hip hop or contemporary. Most of us will agree that we use music to accompany us while doing household…


105 Wittiest Mark Twain Quotes on Travel, Politics, Education, Patriotism & Humour

105 Wittiest Mark Twain Quotes on Travel, Politics, Education, Patriotism & Humour: Better known as “The Father of American literature,” Samuel Langhorne Clemens, whose pen name “Mark Twain” made him famous around the world was one of the greatest American writers, who rose to fame through his wit, and humour. His art of story telling…


Self-Efficacy: The Theory of Believing in Your Abilities | Learn 6 Best Ways to Increase Your Self-Efficacy

What is Self-efficacy: Self-efficacy refers to an individual’s belief in their own abilities. While having faith that he/she can execute any task with excellence, and perform well in any situation despite having hurdles, and challenges in their life. Self-efficacy is a tool that boosts self-confidence, which can influence your performance to attain the desired result….