Quotes for Best Friend: 70 Deep and Beautiful Friendship Quotes to share with Your Bestie
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Quotes for Best Friend: 70 Deep and Beautiful Friendship Quotes to share with Your Bestie

We are walking stories and wish to open the closet of stories hidden in our hearts for someone, who wishes to hear us sincerely. Therefore, we desire to have a friend in life who is understanding, caring, and isn’t a judgemental prick. When we find that gem of a person with whom we feel comfortable…

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100 Best Osho Quotes on Love, Life Religion, and Philosophy

100 Best Osho Quotes on Love, Life Religion, and Philosophy: Rajneesh or Archarya Rajneesh famously known as “Osho” was an Indian guru, godman, mystic and spiritual speaker. He was the founder of the Rajneesh movement, and was known for introducing the neo-sannyasins movement in Mumbai. In today’s edition we will read some of the powerful…

12 Heartfelt Things Only Introverts Can Relate To

12 Heartfelt Things Only Introverts Can Relate To: Introverts have a snuggly place inside their mind, where they like to retreat more than often. Since introverts have a special bond with themselves. Therefore, when it comes to partaking in activities and tasks that others consider as adrenaline pumping. They tend to hold a different view as…


22 Valuable Life Lessons & Inspirational Quotes from The Monk who Sold His Ferrari

22 Valuable Life Lessons & Inspirational Quotes from The Monk who Sold His Ferrari: What you can learn from the book The Monk who Sold his Ferrari: The Monk who Sold his Ferrari written by Robin Sharma is one of the best self-help books of all time. It is a work of fiction that shares…

10 Best Ways to know Whether your Relationship is worth Fighting For | Relationship Advice

Relationships change meaning over time as some of us come closer with time, while others drift apart. Because of the lack of time, intimacy, and the bond they initially shared with each other. Since the more you get to know each other, the more issues and faults you find with one another. We soon forget…


10 Tell Tale Signs of Energy Vampires + Tips to deal with Energy Vampires

You are reading 10 Tell Tale Signs of Energy Vampires + Tips to deal with Energy Vampires Who are Energy Vampires: Energy vampires is a term used to define people who thrive on the energy of other people. Such people carry chaotic and negative energy with them which reflects in their thoughts, behavior, and actions….

Know if you can handle a Long Distance Relationship + Long Distance Relationship Tips

Not gonna lie long distance relationship or relationships in general demand rigorous efforts. It is a continuous process, where your actions matter a lot. Some believe, when love knocks your door everything becomes magical and beautiful. To be honest, although it’s a great advertisement of love. But there are slim chances of getting this kind…


10 Reasons why one Chooses to be a Lone Wolf in a Society that chases Groups

I have shed my skin many times, and each time I do that, I return back to my former self. Knowing that this is how I enjoy living, this is me in the truest form, and no other version of me exists in this world. I can fake smile, form temporary friendships that I know…