Spiritual Enquiry: Why Children are Happier than Adults

Spiritual Enquiry: Why Children are Happier than Adults

Growing up we all thought, how amazing adulting would be. Because we no longer will be under the thumb of our caregivers. As a child, I dreamt of owning a candy store and having an amazing bakery. Which serves hot out of the oven cookies, and cakes dunked in melting chocolate. Dreams of past, and…

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50 Inspiring Zen Quotes on Life for the Conscious Minds

50 Inspiring Zen Quotes on Life for the Conscious Minds: Zen is a school of Mahayana Buddhism that originated in China during the Tang Dynasty. Due to its simple approach, the roots of Zen sprawled to Korea and Japan. Hence, Zen school of thought became popular in the West from the mid-20th century. What is…


Why Long-Distance Relationship can be Great for Introverts, Loners & People with Social Anxiety

Long-distance relationship can be a complete no-no for some. While for others it can be the biggest opportunity to connect with another human being, without having the need to meet and greet often. A wise anonymous writer defined long-distance relationship as, “Inconveniently the most effective way to find out if you really love each other.”…

12 Reasons why Rabbits are the Cutest Badass Pets + Tales of my Pet Rabbits and Cute Bunny Pictures

12 Reasons why Rabbits are the Cutest Badass Pets + Tales of my Pet Rabbits and Cute Bunny Pictures: Whenever someone thinks of rabbits, they usually think of them as soft, fluffy, cottontails. Who are sweet as pineapple slush, and are charming and adorable. And I wouldn’t disagree but at the same time, they are…

How to become a Confident Woman + 10 Tips to Boost your Confidence

How to become a Confident Woman + 10 Tips to Boost your Confidence: You’ve decided you’ll do what it takes to make changes and build the confidence that’s been lacking in your life. After all, having self-confidence affects many areas of our lives, if not all. You look around and feel as though everyone in…

Relationship Rules: 10 Secrets of Happy Couples for a Strong Relationship

The definition of healthy relationship isn’t when you two don’t fight, and don a smile. But it is when, you two don’t sabotage each other’s mental peace, and put each other’s mental health on priority. In this article we will share some secrets of happy couples and some important relationship rules. Wherein, you put your…


50 Powerful Mahatama Gandhi Quotes on Peace, Courage, Unity, Leadership & Life that Think Tanks will Like

In today’s edition you’ll get to read 50 Mahatama Gandhi Quotes on Peace, Courage, Unity, Leadership & Life. Before that let’s quickly check out the bibliography of M.K Gandhi. Gandhi as a Peaceful Protester, and an Ambassador of several Non-violence Movements: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi also known as ‘The Father of the Nation’ in India, was…

Suicide Contagion: Is Media exposure the Reason behind more Suicide cases reported after Celebrity Suicide

Over the years, media has become so insensitive, bloodthirsty, bias, and irresponsible. In short a vehicle for fake reporting, paid promotion, and degradation. So much so, that they sometimes forget their responsibility. Media considered as the mirror of Society, needs to Clean the fog from its own glass: Since these media houses are well aware…