Price Rise under BJP government ignites tension, Opposition demands to quit Parliament Sessions

Price Rise under BJP government ignites tension, Opposition demands to quit Parliament Sessions

Price Rise under BJP government ignites tension, Opposition demands to quit Parliament Sessions The great statesmen, author, and diplomat Benjamin Franklin once said, “In a progressive country change is constant; change is inevitable.” However, the question arises, are these changes possible without the support of the citizens? Well, this question has become a heated topic…


70 Powerful Demon Names from Mythologies and Pop Culture

Powerful Demon Names from Mythologies and Pop Culture: The concept of good and evil has seized to exist in human society since time immemorial. Therefore, different cultures started using the concept of angels, and demons to give out a message of victory of good over evil. Humans have always been fascinated with the stories of…


40+ Awesome Female Vampire Names with Meanings and Origins

40+ Awesome Female Vampire Names with Meanings and Origins Though, there’s no proof about the existence of vampires and to this day, we are unsure whether they exist or not. But for some vampires are a hot topic of discussion. As their scary appearance and wicked disposition makes them a creature of great observation. It…


48 Awesome Male Vampire Names with Meanings and Origins

Best Male Vampire Names for Boys with Meanings and Origins Vampires are blood-thirsty mythical creatures wearing a veil of mystery. There are many infamous stories in the folklores that tell us about the dark side of these creatures. While other stories enunciate their sober qualities. As some old legends highlight that some vampires are not…


15 Signs that Suggest you have an Empath Child & How to Embrace the Gift

15 Signs that Suggest you have an Empath Child & How to Embrace the Gift: Empath children are those who understand, feel and sense the pain of others like as if it’s theirs. Not many people are born with the heart of an empath, and one cannot marvel this art unless he is born one….

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How to take care of the Emotional & Mental well-being of an Empath Child

Empath kids are a gift to humankind. They are wise beyond years, are sensitive, kind, aware and generous. All these traits come naturally to them. But being an empath is not always sunshine and rainbows because they feel too much. Sometimes the feelings of love, fear, sadness, grief, and despair remain etched in their hearts…

What is Self-love, Why is it Important and 12 Ways to Practice it

What is self-love and why is it important Self-love is not just about pampering yourself but it is the art of loving yourself without any remorse or guilt. Because loving yourself is not a crime and it is one such practice, that will help you to infuse yourself with confidence, vigor, and vitality. The simple…