
60 Amazing Damon Salvatore Quotes from The Vampire Diaries

Amazing Damon Salvatore Quotes from The Vampire Diaries Damon Salvatore is one of the pivotal characters of The Vampire Diaries. His complex character has many shades of grey and white that the audience gets to see every now and then. He is marveled for his good looks and his flamboyant masculine physique that, he uses…


100 Heartfelt Quotes about Loneliness that will Make you Strong

You are reading Quotes about loneliness Loneliness can be a strict teacher, who teaches you how to endure the hardships of time without faking a smile. You may feel like, you are drowning in deep waters and there’s no one to rescue you. Negative thoughts and emotions surround you and slowly and steadily, they start…


105 Jealousy Quotes that’ll free you from Envy and Jealousy

Jealousy Quotes that’ll free you from Envy and Jealousy Jealousy is one such negative emotions that sabotages your inner peace. Many people don’t realize that, they are having such negative emotions towards their near and dear ones. They easily get carried away by such negative emotions, which makes their relationship with others fall apart like…


Best 100 Life is Short Quotes that’ll Remind you to Enjoy every Bit of Life

Life is short and sometimes it comes as a great reminder, especially during a time when you are feeling lost, dejected and hopeless in life. When the light of this thought strikes your mind. It makes you realize, how much time you’ve wasted in overthinking about things that never happened. When you could have simply…