105 Best Life-Saving Quotes on Change by Powerful Personalities

105 Best Life-Saving Quotes on Change by Powerful Personalities

105 Best Life-Saving Quotes on Change by Powerful Personalities: Change is inevitable whether you abhor it or not, but it keeps happening in an uncalculated pace. You cannot deter it and the more you dislike it, the more you’ll be troubled to accept new things, and to turn every new leaf of life. To embrace…

50 Inspirational Quotes by Influential Leaders around the World
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50 Inspirational Quotes by Influential Leaders around the World

There have been men of substance, who have brought radical changes in the governance with their might and intellect. Have done stellar work for the development of the nation and for their people. To honour such thinkers, intellectuals, leaders, and reformers, we bring to you 50 Inspirational Quotes by Influential Leaders around the World. If…

100 Soul-Stirring Quotes by Rumi to Comfort your Blazing Heart

100 Soul-Stirring Quotes by Rumi to Comfort your Blazing Heart

The 13th-century Persian poet, Rumi also known as Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī, was one of the finest poets to have graced the earth, by his magical presence. About Rumi’s work: Rumi’s contribution to poetry made him omnipresent in the field of literature. His poems carry the aroma of spirituality, teaching us the meaning of life….