40 Best Quotes About The Love Of God to Strengthen Your Faith in the Almighty

40 Best Quotes About The Love Of God to Strengthen Your Faith in the Almighty

40 Best Quotes About The Love Of God to Strengthen Your Faith in the Almighty: God’s love is so pure and sacred, that you don’t have to find it in a person or thing. You can experience the love of God by keeping him inside your heart, by practicing kindness, and following the path of…

The Benefits of Self-Acceptance and How to Practice it

The Benefits of Self-Acceptance and How to Practice it

We as individuals have a sense of self which even infants and toddlers are aware of. This is why, tiny-tots scream when someone touches their toys, and rejoices when their mother caresses them. Since we experience feelings that surface inside on an individual level, what makes our experiences differ from other level. This sense of…

Karma Quotes: Collection of 90 Best Quotes on Karma
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Karma Quotes: Collection of 90 Best Quotes on Karma

Karma is a Vedic Sanskrit word derived from the word “karman” which means action, work, or deed. It is originally a Hindu religious philosophy or a school of thought wherein the deeds, words, thoughts, and commands can greatly affect a person’s life. Actions done with good intent can benefit a person, whereas bad actions can…

10 Best Spiritual Songs to Kick start Your day with Positivity

10 Best Spiritual Songs to Kick start Your day with Positivity

10 Best Spiritual Songs to Kick start Your day with Positivity: Morning routines should never be boring. Even if you are a lazy bum, youshould kick start your day with a heavy dose of positivity. Reserve at least few minutes of your busy day for yourself, which you caninvest in doing things that refuels you…

8 Stress Relieving Outdoor Activities that’ll bring you closer to Solitude
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8 Stress Relieving Outdoor Activities that’ll bring you closer to Solitude

A little time alone in nature can have a tremendous effect on your mental and physical health. Scholars and researchers working in the field of wilderness therapy and environmental psychology, have shown that time outdoors can benefit you in many ways. Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist, Carl Jung in a letter to his friend written on May…

How to achieve Solitude in a World full of Clamor
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How to achieve Solitude in a World full of Clamor

Solitude and loneliness are often used in the same context but in reality, there are like polar opposites, entirely different from each other. Solitude is when you cherish your own company without letting others disturb your solitary disposition. To simplify it one can describe it as a state of being alone without being lonely. On…