Price Rise under BJP government ignites tension, Opposition demands to quit Parliament Sessions

Price Rise under BJP government ignites tension, Opposition demands to quit Parliament Sessions
The great statesmen, author, and diplomat Benjamin Franklin once said, “In a progressive country change is constant; change is inevitable.” However, the question arises, are these changes possible without the support of the citizens?
Well, this question has become a heated topic today. Because the surge in price has caused the common man to revolt and to come out on the streets of India.
The opposition is also making constant outcries to have a word of mouth with the ruling party. As their hollering and sloganeering to oppose price rise has caused tension in the Rajya Sabha. But their efforts have gone in vain. Hence, the Rajya Sabha was adjourned thrice by the chairpersons.
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Looking at this situation, we can only wonder, “Will ignoring the issue and being mum, would solve the issue?”
Let’s find out.
The Hue and Cry about the Price Rise in India
While many believe that a growing economy like India would observe a price rise. But, they fail to see the rate at which inflation is growing. For starters, let’s not ignore the rising petrol and diesel prices, which have fumed the debate. In the last 15 days, the fuel prices have swelled for the 14th time. The petrol and diesel prices have increased by Rs. 10/litre in the last 16 days.
Whereas, the retail inflation catapulted to the upper tolerance level of 6% set by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). These stats only prove that the surmounting prices of goods and services will burn the pockets of Indian consumers.
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Citizens are enraged as Promises made by BJP have failed

Since the time, the BJP government took over office, the inflation rate is skyrocketing and has touched 9.1%. The common man is in a state of despair as the prices of food, fuel, appliances, and services have reached a full circle. The hope for a corruption-free India and sustainable living has also been shattered.
People are boiling with anger because of the continuous price hike. In the eyes of many, the government has failed to keep up to its promises.
Scarce job opportunities and new schemes like Agniveer and Farm Bills 2020 have also caused tremors in India. The opposition is also waiting for settling the debate about the increasing price rise, but the leaders of the ruling party have shunned them from doing so.
Can Common Man Survive in India with the Growing Price Hike
Whenever there is a debate about the price hike, the ruling party shuts down the debate by citing the unprecedented growth seen in the GDP in recent years. As stats suggest that the Indian economy grew by 8.7% in 2021-2022.
This growth can be credited to the birth of the start-ups in India and a boom seen in the Tech industry. Since India has become a juggernaut for outsourcing its services to the host countries. The contribution of women in strengthening the economy of India has also accelerated the country’s economic growth.
The picture looks amazing here, right? However, the ground reality is different. As we are turning a blind eye to the population that thrives on daily wages and earns less than 100 Rupees per day. The gap is huge as the rural population is unable to fulfill its basic needs, let alone talk about affording a lifestyle and providing quality education to kids.
In Tier II or Tier III cities the situation is gloomy, as people are underpaid for the jobs that they do. They are unable to sustain their living and send their children to good schools. This can be detrimental to our economy as such children will contribute to the youth, that will hold low-paid jobs. The economy will crash like a pack of dominoes.
Moreover, in Tier I cities, the unicorn children raised by parents are moving abroad even startups are being sold to global customers, and the brain drain is still evident to this date.
India is still in a recovery mode from the Pandemic and this price rise has added up to the stress
The wave of the pandemic has already engulfed many single-earning members of the families and the chronic financial stress have broken the backs of many. If this was not enough, the Ukraine-Russia war disrupted the economy since the edible oil supplies saw a big jump in their prices.
The pressure on the common man’s pocket is increasing and is giving fire to the price rise debate.
The concerns of the common man are not being taken up seriously by the government, and every voice is being ignored. The government should come forward for the debate and shouldn’t kill every voice, that comes from the opposition’s side.
Since they are trying to bring forth the plight of the common man. In a democratic country like India, the right to speech should be respected and the party leaders should come forward for the debate.
Because a nation can only progress, when the problems of the common man are heard, and smart solutions are provided to the grave problems.