265+ Unique Hindu Names for Boys with Meanings

Unique and Best Hindu Names for Boys with Meanings
Congratulations! for your bundle of joy. We know that giving birth to a child isn’t easy but life that follows after, that isn’t easy too. As one has to be on toes to keep your family afloat.
We totally understand that, and are here to make your life as a new mom easy, by relieving you off the tension of finding a name for your new born baby boy. That’s why, we have complied a list of some of the unique Hindu names for boys, that will help you to choose the right name for your child.
Don’t worry, all the names have been self-curated by us to maintain the uniqueness of it. We have also given the meaning of all the names in Hindi and English, so that you can decipher the meaning of it in depth. And know about whether it is apt for your child or not.
Unique Hindu Names for Boys form A to Z in Sorted Order:

1. Aarav (आरव) – Aarav is one of the unique Hindu names for boys which means ‘Thundering.’ You can name your bundle of joy after it.
2. Abhay (अभय) – The meaning of Abhay is ‘Fearless.’ It is one of the most popular and unique Hindu names for boys.
3. Abhijeet (अभिजीत) – Abhijeet means ‘Victorious.’ If you want your child to excel in life, then you can name him Abhijeet. As it is one of the ideal Hindu names for boys.
4. Abhimaan (अभिमान) – Abhimaan name denotes ‘Self-respect,’ which is one of the greatest virtues. So you can child Abhimaan as it is one of the best Hindu names for boys.
5. Aduitya (अद्वित्य) – Aduitya meaning ‘Incomparable’ is an uncommon and one of the unique Hindu names for boys.
6. Advaith (अद्वैत) – This is one of the best Hindu names for boys. It means ‘Non Duality,’ or ‘One that has no duplicate.’
7. Advik (अद्विक) – Advik means ‘Unique’ in English. The sound of this name is pleasing to the eyes and the best thing is that it’s a unique Hindu name for boys.
8. Agrim (अग्रिम) – Agrim refers to ‘Leader” or ‘The First.’ Since every parent wishes to see their child on the top of the ladder, achieving great heights in life. Therefore, naming your child Agrim would be the best decision.
9. Agnishishu (अग्निशिषु) – It symbolizes the ‘Son of Fire.’ It is one the most unique Hindu baby names for boys that you can use.
10. Ahem (एहम) – Ahem means ‘Proud.’ Since, every parent wishes to see their child making them proud in future. Therefore, you can go with this name, as it’s one of the unique Hindu names for boys with a great meaning.
11. Amitesh (अमितेश) – The name Amitesh means ‘Infinite God.’ If you are a spiritual couple, you’d definitely like this name.
12. Aniket (अनिकेत) – The meaning of the name Aniket is ‘One who Makes the world his Home.’
13. Archit (अर्चित) – The name Archit indicates ‘Great Devotion.’ It’s a name with a deep meaning, that you might like.
14. Arihant (अरिहंत) – Arihant means ‘Destroyer of Enemies.’ You can name your child Arihant as it is symbolic to having victory over the vices like lust, dishonesty, greediness and duality. As these are some of the biggest enemies that every man must get rid of.
15. Arjun (अर्जुन) – It means ‘Bright.’ Arjun is one of the major characters of the Indian epic Mahabharata. It is one of the most popular male names in India.
16. Arpan (अर्पण) – Arpan refers to ‘Offering.’ It’s one of the pleasant sounding unique Hindu names for boys.
17. Arpit (अर्पित) – The meaning of the name Arpit is ‘Devoted.’
18. Arshit (अर्शित) – Arshit means ‘King.’ So bestow this title on your little and train him how to rule the world.
19. Ashishvijay (आशीषविजय) – This name is made up of two different words, conveying different meanings. Ashish symbolizes ‘Blessings and Vijay means ‘Victory.’ This name is a cry for victory that comes with eternal blessings.
20. Ashrunaash (अश्रुनाश) – It means ‘One who takes away the Tears and Sorrow.’ May your little one fill your life with abundant joy and take away sorrow from your life.
21. Astitva (अस्तित्व) – Astitva means ‘Existence.’ No parent can deny, that their child’s existence is the sweetest thing in the world. Which is another reason to give this name to your little boy.
22. Atharva (अथर्वा) – It’s literal meaning is ‘Knower of the Arthara Veda.’ If you want your child to have the wisdom of the world, then you must ponder on this name.
23. Avchetan (अवचेतन) – This Hindi name means ‘Subconscious.’ A child is a part of your subconscious mind, as the desire to have a child is dominant in humans. So giving birth to a child is no less than seeing your subconscious dreams coming alive.
24. Bhartendu (भारतेंदु) – It is one of the most unique Hindu names for boys that means ‘Moon of India.’
25. Chaitanya (चैतन्य) – Chaitanya means ‘Pure consciousness.’ It is a name with a profound meaning, that many would like.
26. Devarsh (देवर्ष) – It is an Indian name for boys meaning ‘God’s gift.’ It’s one of the best names for parents, who are searching for an elegant name.
27. Devashish (देवाशीष) – This Hindu male name means ‘Blessing of God.’ You can think over this name, as it literally means that your little one is god’s blessing that has come true.
28. Daksh (दक्ष) – It is a name of Sanskrit origin which means ‘Competent.’ This name was given to the son of Aditi and Lord Brahma, which makes it even more special.
29. Devesh (देवेश) – Devesh refers to ‘Lord of the Gods.’ It is one the rarest and unique Hindu names for boys that you can seriously consider.
30. Devlokik (देवलोकिक) – Devlokik connotes ‘One who is worth living with Gods.’
31. Dhairya (धैर्य) – Dhairya means ‘Patience.’ It is a short yet meaningful Hindu baby names for boys.
32. Dakshit (दक्षित) – Dakshit is one of the many names of Lord Shiva. It means ‘Competent and Able.’
33. Dhritiman (धृतिमान) – Dhritiman refers to ‘One who has a lot of Patience.’
34. Dhruv (ध्रुव) – The name Dhruv means ‘Pole Star or Eternal.’
35. Dhruvkaran (ध्रुवकरण) – It is combination of two names i.e. Dhruv and Karan. Karan (Karna) is a popular character from Hindu epic Mahabharata. He was the firstborn of Kunti. Karan means ‘He who Helps.’ It is also the another name for Brahman or the supreme spirit.
36. Dushyant (दुष्यंत) – This unique Hindu name for boys means ‘Destroyer of Evil.’
37. Ehsaas (एहसास) – The meaning of the name Ehsaas is ‘Feeling.’ It is one of the unique Hindu names for boys, that couples who are into art and literature will definitely like.
38. Ekansh (एकांश) – It sybolizes ‘Whole, One or Complete.’ It is one such unique Hindu names for boys, that you must have never heard from anybody.
39. Eklavya (एकलव्य) – Eklavya was a boy in Hindu epic Mahabharata who became a great archer and warrior by practicing alone just by watching. It’s a nice name for a baby boy.
40. Eshank (ईशांक) – Eshank means ‘The Sun’ is one of the unique Hindu names for boys. You should definitely consider this name as it literally suggests that your child will be blessed with passion, vigour and vitality. As ‘The Sun’ is the indicator of the ego, honours, status, fame, respect and power.
41. Garvit (गर्वित) – Garvit means ‘Filled with Pride.’ This name sounds very pleasant and fresh to the ears.
42. Gaurang (गौरांग) – Gaurang refers to ‘Fair complexioned.’ It is another name for Lord Vishnu, Krishna and Shiva. According to Hindu scriptures, the fair complexioned, Lord Chaitanya is the avatar of Lord Krishna with fair skin and shining body.
43. Gunjit (गुंजित) – The name Gunjit means ‘Victory of Virtue.’ It is one of unique Hindu names for boys that is fairly uncommon.
44. Gurbhej (गुरभेज) – It is a unisex Punjabi name that means ‘One Sent by God.’
45. Harshad (हर्षद) – Harshad symbolizes ‘Bringer of joy.’ Even the sound of it brings joy to the ears.
46. Harshil (हर्षिल) – Harshil means ‘Joyful or King of the Hills.’ It’s one of the unique Hindu names for boys.
47. Himaksh (हिमाक्ष) – Himaksh means ‘Lord Shiva’ or ‘Lord of the Himalayas.’ It is one of the best Hindu names for boys.
48. Himnaad (हिमनाद) – It means ‘Glacier.’ If you are a backpacker couple, having an undying bond with the mountains and nature’s bounty. Then you will love to give this name to your child.
49. Hitesh (हितेश) – This Hindi name for boys means ‘Lord of Goodness.’ If you wish for good luck, prosperity and happiness to befall in the lap of your child, then you must consider this name.
50. Hritik (ह्रितिक) – This male Hindu name connotes ‘From the Heart.’ The name is made famous by the Bollywood actor Hritik Roshan.
51. Ishan (इशान) – The meaning of the name Ishan is ‘Sun or Lord of Wealth.’
52. Ishank (इशांक) – Ishank means ‘Peak of the Himalaya.’ Give this unique Hindu baby boy name to your child and watch him reach to the summit.
53. Jainit (जैनित) – This Gujarati name for boys means ‘Gift from God.’
54. Jaskiran (जसकिरण) – This Punjabi name for boys means ‘Light of Glory.’
55. Jayant (जयंत) – Jayant means ‘Victorious.’ You must think over this name, as it sounds lovely and has a beautiful meaning.
56. Kaafal (काफल) – Kaafal refers to ‘Bayberry’ in Garhwali (Central zone Pahari language widely spoken in Uttarakhand). It’s a cute name which will suit your cute little fella.
57. Kalpit (कल्पित) – The symbolic meaning of the name Kalpit is ‘Imaginative.’
58. Kanan (कनन) – Kanan refers to ‘Garden’ or ‘The mouth of Brahma.’ This is one of the unique Hindu names for boys.
59. Kartikey (कार्तिकेय) – Kartikey is the name of ‘Elder Brother of Lord Ganesh and the Son of Lord Shiva.’
60. Kaustubh (कौस्तुभ) – Kaustubh refers to ‘A jewel of Lord Vishnu.’ It is a popular name amongst Bengalis.
61. Kanishk (कनिष्क) – The name Kanishka means a highly charged personality that attracts powerful ideas. Kanishk was an ‘Ancient King.’ Kā-ṇi-ṣka or Kanishka the Great, was an emperor of the Kushan dynasty, under whose reign the empire reached it’s zenith.
62. Kaushal (कौशल) – The name Kaushal suggests ‘Skilled’ or ‘A Person who is Able to do many Things.’
63. Kinshuk (किंशुक) – This beautiful Hindu name for boys means ‘Flower.’
64. Kirtimaan (कीर्तिमान) – The name Kirtimaan means ‘Famous.’
65. Kritagya (कृतज्ञ) – Kritagya means ‘A Grateful Person.’ It’s one of the unique Hindu names for boys, that you find elsewhere.
66. Lakshya (लक्ष्य) – Lakshya symbolizes ‘Aim, Goal, Destination or Target.’ It is a perfect name to be given to a baby boy.
67. Manan (मनन) – Manan means ‘Depth in Thinking or
68. Mayur (मयूर) – Mayur means ‘Peacock.’ It’s an enchanting fairy-tale Prince name that will aptly suit on your little boy.
69. Navkiran (नवकिरण) – The Hindu name Navkiran symbolizes ‘New Ray of Sunshine.’ It is one of the unique Hindu names for boys.
70. Oshank (ओशांक) – The name Oshank means ‘Inspirational.’
71. Paritosh (परितोष) The name Paritosh symbolizes ‘Contentment.’
72. Pawas (पावस) – Pawas is a Sanskrit name that means ‘Wind.’ This is one of the coolest baby boy names that can you can give to your child.
73. Prabhas (प्रभास) – The name Prabhas symbolizes ‘Brilliance or Splendour.’ It is a sweet-sounding name, which could perfectly suit your little boy’s personality.
74. Prabhat (प्रभात) – Prabhat means ‘Dawn or Morning Light.’ Another unique Hindu boy name.
75. Prahlad (प्रह्लाद) – The name Prahlad means ‘Extreme Joyful.’ He was a great devotee of Lord Vishnu.
76. Pranjal (प्रांजल) – It means ‘One who is as dear as Life.’
77. Pranjul (प्रांजुल) – The meaning of the the name Pranjul is ‘Honest and Dignified.’
78. Pravah (प्रवाह) – Pravah is a Sanskrit name that means ‘Flow of the River or the Wind.’ The sound of this name is like the gurgling sound made by the river, so pleasing to the ears.
79. Rachit (रचित) – The name Rachit means ‘Invention or The one who is Written.’
80. Raunak (रौनक) – Raunak symbolizes ‘Happiness.’ It is one of the most adorable and unique Hindu names for boys.
81. Ritvik (रित्विक) – Ritvik is a masculine Hindu name that means ‘Sage or Saint.’
82. Romik (रोमिक) – Romik means ‘Magnet.’ If you want to given an uncommon name to your child, then this is it.
83. Rudra (रूद्र or रुद्रा) – Rudra is a Rigvedic deity associated with Wind or Storm, Vayu and the Hunt. It is another name for Lord Shiva. In Rigveda, Rudra refers to ‘The Roarer,’ ‘Mightiest of the Mighty’ and the ‘One who Eradicates Problems from their Roots.’
84. Rudraksha (रुद्राक्ष or रुद्राक्षा) – Rudraksha means ‘Auspicious.’ It is one of the unique Hindu names for boys, which has a rock star appeal to it.
85. Saket (साकेत) – Saket refers to ‘Heaven.’ It’s a sweet name which will complement the personality of your little boy.
86. Samay (समय) – Samay is a Sanskrit or Hindi name that means ‘Time.’
87. Sanidhya (सानिध्य) – The name Sanidhya means ‘The Abode of God.’ It’s one of the unique Hindu names for boys, having a beautiful meaning.
88. Sanyam (संयम) – The name Sanyam means ‘One who has Self-control.’ Since self-control is one of the greatest qualities that a human should marvel at. Therefore, keeping this name would motivate your child to have control over his desires, which often hinders progress.
89. Sarthak (सार्थक) – Sarthak means ‘Meaningful, Purpose or Well Done.‘
90. Saubhagya (सौभाग्य) – The name Saubhagya means ‘Good Luck or the One who is Lucky.’
91. Shardul (शार्दुल) – The name Shardul has different meanings some of which are ‘Tiger or Lion,’ ‘Leader’ and ‘The Best.’
92. Sharvil (शर्विल) – Sharvil is another name for ‘Lord Krishna.’ It is derived from Sharv meaning sacred to Lord Shiva.
93. Shaurya (शौर्य) – Meaning of the name Shaurya is ‘Bravery.’ You can give this name to your little boy, which would infuse him with strength and valour.
94. Shloka (श्लोका) – It is a Sanskrit name that means ‘Song.’
95. Shobhit (शोभित) – Shobhit refers to ‘Ornamented.’ It’s one of the unique Hindu names for boys.
96. Shreshth (श्रेष्ठ) – The name Shreshth means ‘Ultimate or The Best.’ One who is excellent in everything.
97. Shubhnit (शुभनीत) – The symbolic meaning of the name Shubhnit is ‘Always Auspicious.’ It is definitely one of the unique Hindu names for boys.
98. Shwetambh (श्वेतांभ) – Shwetambh means ‘Free-spirited Individual.’ Such a unqiue name with equally impressive meaning.
99. Sangyan (संज्ञान) – This name symbolizes ‘Knowledge or Awareness.’
100. Sparsh (स्पर्श) – Sparsh is a Hindu name for boys that means ‘Touch.’
101. Subodh (सुबोध) – Subodh represents ‘Spiritual Intelligence or Easily understood.’ Don’t skip on this name, it is definitely a keeper.
102. Sugam (सुगम) – The name Sugam means ‘Easy.’ In metaphorical sense this name means ‘The one for whom every task is Easy.’
103. Sujoy (सुजॉय) – Sujoy is a Hindu Boy name quite popular amongst Bengalis. The name Sujoy symbolizes ‘Beautiful Victory.’
104. Suyash (सुयश) – Suyash means ‘Victory.’
105. Tanishq (तनिष्क) – Tanishq is a Hindu boy name that means ‘Jewel.’
106. Tapas (तपस) – The literal meaning of Tapas is ‘Heat or Sun.’ The name symbolizes ‘Energy, Passion and Vitality.’
107. Tarang (तरंग) – Tarang is an Indian name that means ‘Wave.’ Metaphorically, this name suggests ‘Wave of Happiness and Peace.’
108. Taresh (तारेश) – It is one of the most unique Hindu names for boys that means ‘God of the Stars.’
109. Tejas (तेजस) – The name Tejas has several meanings, some of which are ‘Brightness, Sharpness, Light, Tip of the Flame, Gold, Power, Mighty, Honour, Fire and Brilliance.’
110. Ullas (उल्लास) – Ullas refers to ‘Happiness or Glee.’ It’s a good name, that many people don’t consider.
111. Umang (उमंग) – It is an Indian unisex name that means ‘Enthusiasm.’ Do ponder over this one, it’s surely a keeper.
112. Utkarsh (उत्कर्ष) – It is an Indian name for boys that means ‘Prosperity.’
113. Vaibhav (वैभव) – The meaning of the name Vaibhav is ‘Abundance.’
114. Vaikunth (वैकुण्ठ) – Name Vaikunth means ‘Heaven or Abode of Lord Vishnu.’
115. Vardaan (वरदान) – The meaning of Vardaan is ‘Blessing.’ It’s one of the unique Hindu names for boys.
116. Vibhor (विभोर) – Name Vibhor means ‘Ecstatic.’
117. Vihaan (विहान) – Vihaan means ‘Dawn or Sunrise.’ It represents ‘New beginnings and End of suffering.’
118. Viraj (विराज) – Viraj sybolizes ‘Soverenity, Excellence and Splendour.’
119. Vivaan (विवान) – The name Vivaan means ‘Full of Life or Lord Krishna.’
120. Vyom (व्योम) – Name Vyom means ‘Sky.’ It’s one of short and unique Hindu names for boys.
121. Yagya (यज्ञ) – Yagya means ‘Hawan,’ which is a holy Indian ritual.
122. Yashvant (यशवंत) – This male Hindu baby name means ‘One who has achieved Glory.’
123. Yashvardhan (यशवर्धन) – Yashvardhan means ‘Glorious.’
124. Yatharth (यथार्थ) – Yatharth means ‘Complete or Proper.’ It’s one of the lesser heard unique Hindu names for boys.
125. Yuvraj (युवराज) – The meaning of Yuvraj is ‘Prince.’
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Short Male Hindu Names for Boys:

126. Aan (आन) – Aan means ‘Glory.’
127. Aadi (आदि) – Adi is symbolical to ‘ The Beginning or First.’ It’s a short and sweet Hindu name for boys.
128. Amish (आमिश) – The name Amish is a male name of Indian origin which means ‘Free of Deceit.’
129. Agni (अग्नि) – Agni means ‘Fire.’ It represents zeal to do anything and strong determination to pursue your goals.
130. Avi (अवि) – Avi means ‘Sun and Air.’
131. Dev (देव) – Dev refers to ‘God.’ It’s one of the most popular and unique Hindu names for boys.
132. Hanu (हनु) – Hanu is a cute nick-name of ‘Lord Hanuman.’ It’s definitely a keeper.
133. Hiten (हितेन) Meaning of the name Hiten is ‘The heart.’ This name is quite popular among Gujaratis.
134. Ish (ईश) – Ish means Lord Vishnu.
135. Jai (जय) – Jai is a male name of Indian origin that means ‘Victory.’
136. Jashn (जश्न) – The name Jashn symbolizes ‘Celebration or Rejoice.’
137. Maan (मान) Maan refers to ‘Respect.’ It’s a popular name among Punjabis.
138. Mridul (मृदुल) – Mridul is a Sanskrit name that means ‘Calm.’ Doesn’t it sound melodious?
139. Namit (नमित) – The name Namit in of Sanskrit origin that means ‘A person who is very Humble, Modest or Bowed Down.’
140. Neerav (नीरव) – Neerav means ‘Calm.’ It’s one of the unique Hindu names for boys.
141. Neil (नील) – Neil means ‘Passionate.’ It’s a cool name which you can consider for your child.
142. Nik (निक) – It is a common Indian nickname. It could be short for ‘Nikhil’ which means ‘Complete’ or ‘Whole.’
143. Nit (नित) – It means Grace.
144. Osh (ओश) – It means Dew Drops.
145. Parth (पार्थ) – This cool Hindu name for boys means ‘The Person who Never misses his Target.’
146. Partho (पार्थो) – Partho is a Bengali Hindu name for boys meaning ‘Arjun.’
147. Rooh (रूह) – Rooh symbolizes ‘Spirit.’ It’s one of the unique Hindu names for boys.
148. Ruhaan (रुहान) – Ruhaan means ‘Kind Hearted or Spiritual.’ The sound of this name creates a spell on the listener. It’s an impressive name, which you must consider for your baby boy.
149. Samasth (समस्त) – Samasth denotes ‘Everything.’ Symbolically this name also suggests ‘The Knower of Everything.’
150. Samyuk (सम्युक) – This Hindu name means ‘Enough.’ It’s an uncommon yet one of the unique Hindu names for boys.
151. Sanyog (संयोग) – Sanyog has several meanings some of which are ‘Fortune,’ ‘Assistance’ and ‘Coincidence.’
152. Shubh (शुभ) – Shubh symbolizes ‘Auspicious.’ This name has a positive feel to it.
153. Sur (सुर) – Sur refers to ‘Melody.’ If you are a musical couple, who wants to pass on your talent to your little one and make him a maestro in music. Then you must think over this name.
154. Surya (सूर्य) – Surya means ‘The Sun.’ It’s a short and sweet name.
155. Tosh (तोश) – Tosh means Pleasure.
156. Toshu (तोषु) – It is another name of Lord Shiva.
157. Udaar (उदार) – Udaar is a good name which means ‘Kind-Hearted.’
158. Uday (उदय) – Uday refers to ‘Dawn or Rise.’
159. Uddhav (उद्धव) – Uddhav is a Sanskrit originated name for boys meaning ‘Sacrificial Fire.’
160. Ujjawal (उज्जवल) – Ujjawal denotes ‘Bright or Clear.’
161. Utsah (उत्साह) – Utsah means ‘Joy.’ It will be a perfect name for your little bundle of joy.
162. Utsav – Utsav is an Indian Boy name that means ‘Celebration or Festival.’
163. Utthaan (उत्थान) – Utthaan means ‘Upliftment.’
164. Ved (वेद) – The meaning behind the name Ved is ‘Sacred Knowledge.’
165. Veer (वीर) – Veer means ‘Courageous or Brave.’ It’s a short and meaningful name quite popular among Punjabis.
166. Yogi (योगी) – Yogi means ‘One who is Good at Yoga.’
167. Yug (युग) – Yug means ‘Age or Generation.’ It’s one of the unique Hindu names for boys.
168. Yugank (युगांक) – Yugank is a Sanskrit or Hindi name which means ‘End of Era.’
169. Yuvi (युवी) – It is short for Yuvraj that means ‘Prince.’
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Trending Hindu Baby Boys Names:

170. Aantya (अन्त्य) – Aantya name’s meaning is ‘Successful.’
171. Aarambh (आरम्भ) – It means ‘Commencement.’ It Symbolizes Auspicious Beginnings.
172. Abhigyan (अभिज्ञान) – Abhigyan refers to ‘Most Intelligent.’ It’s one the unique Hindu names for boys.
173. Abhijay (अभिजय) – Abhijay means ‘Victorious.’
174. Abhilash (अभिलाष) – It means ‘Wish.’ This name is apt for your child because your child is your biggest wish.
175. Adhigam (अधिगम) – The name Adhigam represents ‘Learning.’ Give this name to your child and wish him to be a great leaner.
176. Akshar (अक्षर) – Akshar means ‘Eternal’ or ‘The God of Gods.’ It has Sanskrit origin and according to Hindu scriptures it is also the another name of Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva.
177. Amartya (अमर्त्य) – Amartya’s meaning is ‘Immortal.’ It is one of the most unique Hindu names for boys.
178. Agastya (अगस्त्या) – Agastya means ‘One who humbles even the Mountain.’ It is also a name of a great ancient Indian sage.
179. Amrut (अमृत) – It means ‘Nectar.’ Such a sweet-sounding name with equally beautiful meaning.
180. Anshuman (Anshuman) – Anshuman refers to ‘The Sun.’ May your little one be as bright as the sun and makes everybody happy with his radiance and positive energy.
181. Antariksh (अंतरिक्ष) – Antariksh symbolizes ‘Cosmos or Space.’
182. Apaar (अपार) – Apaar has different meanings some of which are ‘Infinite,’ ‘Inestimable,’ ‘Illimitable’ and ‘Boundless.’
183. Arnav (अर्णव) – Arnav means ‘Ocean.’ It’s one of the unique Hindu boy names that is rarely kept by anybody.
184. Ashwini (अश्विनी) – Ashwin means ‘Wealthy.’
185. Avyakt (अव्यक्त) – Avyakt refers to ‘One who can not be Described’ in mere words.
186. Bharat (भरत) – Bharat means ‘Universal Monarch,’ ‘Fire,’ and the ‘Name of a Priest.’ Bharat is the name given to India. It originates from the Sanskrit word “Bharata” which stands for ‘Agni’ meaning fire. Bharat was one of India’s famous emperors, the son of Dushyant and Shakuntala.
187. Bhor (भोर) – Bhor refers to ‘Early Morning or Dawn.’
188. Bijoy (बिजॉय) – Bijoy is a popular name in Bengoli name which means ‘Victory.’
189. Burans (बुरांस) – Burans means ‘Rhododendron.’ It’s a scarlet red colour flower, that grows in high altitude places. This name has its origin in Garhwali language (Pahari language widely spoken in Uttarakhand).
190. Chinmay (चिन्मय) – Chinmay means ‘Blissful.’
191. Chiranjeev (चिरंजीव) – The name symbolizes ‘Immortal.’ According to Hindu scriptures, Chiranjeevi were the eight immortals who remained alive on Earth until the end of the current Kali Yuga.
192. Dharma (धर्मा) – It means ‘The path of Righteousness.’
193. Divy (दिव्य) – It represents ‘Divine or Sun-like Glow.’
194. Ekagra (एकाग्र) – Ekagra means ‘Attentive or Undisturbed.’
195. Ekant (एकांत) – Ekant refers to ‘Solitude.’ It symbolizes ‘Peace’ and ‘The Power to walk Alone.’
196. Faagun (फागुन) – Faagun means ‘ The Holy Month in Spring.’ A time to rejoice, when the earth is decorated with flowers.
197. Geet (गीत) – Geet means ‘Song.’ It’s a popular name in Punjab.
198. Girish (गिरीश) – It refers to ‘Lord of the Mountain.’ People from hill states, you must consider this name for your baby boy.
199. Goraksh (गोरक्ष) – Goraksh is a Hindu name for boys meaning ‘Lord Shiva.’
200. Gunjan (गुंजन) – Gunjan means ‘The humming of Bees.’
201. Gurutva (गुरुत्व) – It means ‘Gravity.’ It’s one of the most unique Hindu names for boys.
202. Gyaat (ज्ञात) – Gyaat means ‘Known’. It’s a short and sweet name.
203. Gyan (ज्ञान) Gyan means ‘Knowledge.’
204. Haren (हरेन) – Haren is another name for ‘Lord Shiva.’ Spiritually inclined couples will love this.
205. Harun (हारून) – Harun means ‘Leader or Lion.’
206. Hiren (हिरेन) – It means ‘Lord of the Diamonds.’ Business class peeps will love this name and they have all reasons for it.
207. Jesht (जेष्ट) – Jesht means ‘Elder.’ The sound of this name is so melodious.
208. Jugnu (जुगनू) – It means ‘Firefly.’ You can use it as a nick-name for your little one.
209. Kadam (कदम) – Kadam is the name of a tree and it also means ‘Taking a Step.’
210. Karma (कर्मा) – Karma refers to ‘Action.’ One of the iconic names in Indian dictionary.
211. Karmath (कर्मठ) – Karmath means ‘Hard-Working.’
212. Karun (करुण) – The symbolical meaning of Karun is ‘Merciful.’
213. Kaviraj (कविराज) – It means ‘King of Poets.’ Art and literature loving couples will like it.
214. Kriday (कृदय) – Kriday is another name of ‘Lord Krishna.’ It’s one of the unique Hindu names for boys having a spiritual touch to it.
215. Kutumb (कुटुंब) – Kutumb means ‘Family.’
216. Lok (लोक) – Lok means World.
217. Meru (मेरु) – It means Highest point.
218. Mitul (मितुल) – Mitul means Friend.
219. Moksha (मोक्ष) – Moksha means Liberation or Salvation.
220. Mridul (मृदुल) – It means Calm.
221. Mrig (मृग) – It means Deer.
222. Mrityunjay (मृत्युंजय) – It means Lord Shiva or One who has conquered death.
223. Navodaya (नवोदय) – It means New Morning.
224. Nayan (नयन) – Nayan means Eyes.
225. Neer (नीर) – It means Water.
226. Netra (नेत्र) – It means Vision or Eyes.
227. Nidaan (निदान) – It means Well-mannered and Lenient.
228. Nimish (निमिष) – Nimish means Transient.
229. Nirmaan (निर्माण) – It means Opening.
230. Nirvaan (निर्वाण) – It means Liberation.
231. Nivaran (निवारण) – It means Redressal.
232. Poorab (पूरब) – It means East.
233. Poorva (पूर्व) – It means Earlier one or East.
234. Prarambh (प्रारम्भ) – It means The Beginning.
235. Prayatn (प्रयत्न) – It means Effort.
236. Pushpendra (पुष्पेंद्र) – It means King of Flowers.
237. Roop (रूप) – Roop means Beauty.
238. Ruturaj (ऋतुराज) – It meand Lord of all seasons.
239. Saar (सार) – It means Summary.
240. Samvik (सामविक) It means Master of their own destiny or Intuitive.
241. Sahil (साहिल) – It means Leader.
242. Sahitya (साहित्या) – It means Literature.
243. Samaksh (समक्ष) – Samarth means In front.
244. Samarth (समर्थ) – It means Powerful Enough.
245. Sangharsh (संघर्ष) – It means Struggle.
246. Satvik (सात्विक) – It means Virtuous or Pure.
247. Shailesh (शैलेश) – It means God of mountain or Himalaya.
248. Shivaan (शिवान) – It means Lord Shiva.
249. Shivanshu (शिवांशु) – It means Part of Lord Shiva.
250. Shovon (शोवोन) – It means God is gracious.
251. Showmik (शौमिक) – It means Fire.
252. Shyambhig (श्यामभिग) – It means Lord Krishna.
253. Sona (सोना) – It means Gold.
254. Suksham (सूक्षम) – It means Small.
255. Sumedh (सुमेध) – Sumedh means Clever or Sensible.
256. Suraj (सूरज) – It means The Sun.
257. Suryoday (सूर्योदय) – It means Sunrise.
258. Swaraj (स्वराज) – Swaraj means Liberty or Freedom.
259. Swaroop (स्वरुप) – It means Lover of beauty.
260. Tribhuvan (त्रिभुवन) – It means The three worlds.
261. Varunraj (वरुणराज) – It means God of Rain.
262. Vedanta (वेदांत) – It means Conclusion. It’s also one of the unique Hindu names for boys having a spiritual touch to it.
263. Vikrant (विक्रांत) – It means Brave or Victorious.
264. Vistaar (विस्तार) – It means Vast.
265. Vyapak (व्यापक) – It means Broad or Extensive.
266. Yada (यदा) – It means Time.