Sample of the Director’s Message for Schools and Colleges

Sample of the Director’s Message for Schools and Colleges
Covid has caused a lot of ruckus in the functioning of the schools. Hence, many educational institutions have suffered a great deal because of it. Since, it not only hindered the studies but also disturbed the resuming of the co-curricular activities, which are vital for the holistic development of the students.
However, after a long gap, now things have escalated to normal and many schools are celebrating the jubilation by sharing their great triumph over the monster called Covid-19, in their school magazines.
If your school is planning the same and you are in the editorial team which means you have to compile all the content. Then you have reached the safe shore, because here you will find the sample of the Director’s Message and many other school reports, that will help you to seek inspiration.
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So dive below, to check out our lucid sample of the Director’s Message and draw inspiration from it, to etch your own unique message.
Sample of the Director’s Message

From the Director’s Desk
To the lovely readers,
“Anubhavavasanameva vidya phalam. The fruit of knowledge, the fruit of vidya is anubhava.”
Whilst turning the leaves of my memory, it dawned on me that we have covered miles in the journey that began with the dream of Eduphile Academy. The germination of the idea of establishing a revered institution in the heart of Dehradun city was truly an ambitious one. Because building a masterpiece from scratch is like an amateur person trying to make beautiful pottery on the potter’s wheel, which is difficult to ace in a few settings.
However, with the passage of time, I learnt that though sometimes dark clouds will hover and cover the eternal sky but after every dark phase comes a silver lining. Our silver lining was the undying efforts and hope we placed in our dream, which helped us to take every challenge in good stride. What we are today is the outcome of the good and bad experiences, from which we learnt how to deal with difficult situations and stay calm during turbulent times.
For me, one of the biggest challenges that came along our way was, the wave of Covid-19, that engulfed many lives on a brink of an eye. The wrath was such that nobody was allowed to go out and restrictions were imposed because the virus was spreading like haywire. An eerie silence prevailed in schools, colleges and markets that once bustled with human activity.
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I was fretted because never in my life, had I envisioned a school without students and teachers. But this was about to happen and we had to chalk out effective plans beforehand, to be able to run the school with ease. We had no other option than to implement “Online Classes,” which dismayed us.
As many of our students and even staff members weren’t well-equipped with gadgets. While some were technologically inept. Still, they never expressed their inability and self-taught them, how to befriend technology. Because without it, they couldn’t cross the impediment.
The classes resumed smoothly, many activities were done and all the objectives of the school’s curriculum were met out. Activities such as Sandwich Making by Juniors came as a great help for mothers who felt burnt out, managing online studies of their kids along with the household chores, that doubled as all the family members were having work-from-home.
It was a heart-warming treat to see little Eduphilers preparing filling sandwiches made with love for their mothers. Another, activity that brings a smile to my face was the Puppet Show held in the school campus, which the children thoroughly enjoyed.
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Middle School activities were also carefully thought upon and were quite unique in nature. One among them that I cherished the most was the Hanuman Chalisa recitation. It was a sweet rendition that was well-rehearsed and performed. It took me into a trance as I felt the divine presence of Lord Hanuman. We even saw glimpses of Baal Hanuman in a child, who dazzled us with his performance on stage.
Senior Wing also claimed its jocund presence in English and Hindi Declamations and during the Investiture’s Ceremony, which was one of the glorious moments for the school.
I feel we must acknowledge all the parents, teachers and students who worked as a strong team and crossed all the hurdles. Covid couldn’t deter our spirit and we are hopeful, that we will continue to ascend to the heights with our strong determination.
I would like to conclude my message with the golden lines of Albert Einstein, “Education is not the learning of Facts, but the training of minds to think,” which is for me is the maxim of learning.
Dr. Tarunodaya Gill